Saturday, 9 January 2016

Space and Age (Part 2) - Responses

This post was viewed by many people with interest and commented upon. They are givn below. My response is at the end.

Mohan Rao 
I thoroughly enjoyed your piece on space and age. You seem to imply that space and time are nothing absolute but experiential. We use our own experience to ‘feel’ it and use our own body parts/functions and experiences to deal with them to our need. Ego acts like our personal manager adjusting our needs to whatever age and situations we are at. Beautifully described.

Our ego-bound approach to space and age is perfectly elegant, as much as the need for filling the stomach is for our well-being as several of us discussed elsewhere. Our thinkers have painted ego as our nemesis and that deliverance from the ‘samsara’ should be the ultimate goal. Although not being obsessed with the ego-driven world is often cited as the way to live in peace with ourselves justifiably, I am of the opinion that unknown realities may lie beyond the reach of the ego and once the existential problems are taken care of, the challenge should be to go beyond, to hear, see and measure the less trodden world of the unknown so far un-chartered.
‘Why?’ Someone may ask. To quote Sir Edmund Hillary of climbing Mt. Everest: “Simply because it is there.”


The word space suggests  somewhat an uncomfortable sheath surrounding a individual  in his movements!
Maybe  we can visualize that every individual has a characteristic function, with a lot of time dependent variables, starting with a preset function at birth, depending on his poorvajanma (पूर्वजन्म) carryover, and getting continuously modified with his acquirement as he grows.

Interaction of two persons will be like the response function of the two super posed functions.
The equivalent that strikes me is dividing PHWR into a large number of cells of individual reactors, each with a transfer function, and studying the effect of coupling, with a lot of Laplace transformations, used to explain the Xenon oscillations!

R S Vaghasiya 
The space theory of Shri Ghare ji is very well understood when in a function you occupy a seat leaving one or more chairs from the unknown person, but seat side by of a known person as his space and your space has already established the companionship.
P D Puntambekar
The space and age theory is well explained by  Ghareji. In our karma theory they teach us to enhance our tolerance power (Sahanshilta सहनशीलता). It is best tool to keep your ego and anger under control. Vipasana practice keeping silent for brief period also enhances tolerance power.
However these methods need long period to develop in habit and may result in limited change in individual personality.


What a profound concept wrapped around ones personal space and its variance with age.
I am reminded of the famous story about Alexander the Great when he was returning back after winning the known world and the Indian battle, he saw four sadhus jumping ahead of his cavalcade. On inquiry as to what they were up to they replied- "O Lord, no matter what amount of jumping around we do, we are not able to occupy more that the size of our feet, so what for you want to win all the world and kill so many" It appears he had a revelation and abandoned further excursions.
 The moot point is "creation of space (real or virtual) has always been mankind's basic ambition". All such decorations/achievements, self or publicly imposed are not just negative and many of mankind's achievements in art, science and Technology are attributed to personal efforts very much based on these attributes. What needs to be avoided is the negative aspects e.g exploitation of others and egoism, etc whether in personal or public spheres. Thanks

Kishore Nayak 
 Though this post has dealt on the topic most relevant to each one of us in our age group, It was not just a philosophy doled out by a fertile mind, but the words coming out from the depth of ones heart. As you have rightly pointed out, however much we pride on our individual Space, we are bound to surrender that expanse bit by bit and get into smaller and smaller one, as ripe old age or health problems compels us to do that! कालाय तस्मै नम:

Ravi Rustagi
The current dialog on ego, space and time is ever existential, as Shri Ghare,  Mohan Rao, K Natarajan, A Malhotra and others have put it. Mankind will continue exploring individually to hold what is appropriate, and 'let go' what hurts. The key word is to continue doing, practising, learning and honing.  Reading and Talking is never enough. Ancient Rishis declared- Let noble thoughts come from all directions. Have a goal, pool the resources including outsourcing but not be perturbed by the outcomes.
T. Premachandran 
An interesting topic for discussion. We, Indians normally will not like to admit these issues openly even though many discuss it privately.

You have rightly pointed out that ego is the main contributor for creating space. Over a period we learn many things and consider our approach is the best. The problem starts when we start giving advice to our near ones and expect them to follow. Advices from old generation are generally ignored by the new generation. Our success lies in allowing them their space. I find that it is better to remain independent to the last minute, if possible.

In India we use a piece of cloth to make a cradle for the new born. Oil is used for मालिश  of the baby.  An Indian doctor in Eorope advised his Indian young clients to ignore their grand parents. Initially they felt bad and suppressed their thoughts. They wanted to tell the doctor that more than 100 cores babies are brought up following these simple practices. Here it is not a question of who is correct and who is wrong. The doctor is following what is being practiced there.

Probably in Western countries this realization has come much earlier and hence they allow their kids to stay separately , once they start earning. That way both can have their space.
I have tried to give my views from my space and this may not necessarily find acceptance with all.
Response from Ghare (me)

My article has evoked good response and the respondents have added significant amount of value to my attempt in writing. I have actually read almost no serious literature in English and my little knowledge or thinking is purely native or 'Desi'. So I rely more on what I have experienced and observed than on what I have read. However, I have intentionally generalized the concept, keeping my personal experience out.

I am not founder or discoverer of the concept of 'personal space'. I am hearing this phrase for last few years. This concept is also rather vague and may mean different things to different people. I have tried to attach one definition of mine to it in the opening paragraph and dwelt on it while explaining it in relation to ageing.

I did not think that the individual's 'space' is only a negative concept. It is rather neutral and is a mixture of positive and negative aspects depending on how we view it.

 It is aptly said that old age is a second childhood and I often say, " Yes and I am enjoying it".  Even when we are in pink state of health and full of enthusiasm, the 'space' plays a vital role in our life especially in defining our relationships. It also gives us a lot of happy moments, because our likes and habits are part of our space. I will prefer to be a fan of Lata Mangeshkar and Raja Ravivarma ) and enjoy their sweet voice and beautiful paintings rather than becoming a स्थितप्रज्ञ  who stays beyond feeling joy or sorrow.

Each individual is different and keeps different amount space around him at different points of time, as I have explained in my post. So each one is entitled to his view which is right in his opinion, whether his views are accepted by others or not in toto. However, when people read different views, their vision is broadened and they may fine tune their views.

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